The web interface of the digital clock is accessible from a web browser via HTTP and HTTPS protocols. The clock is supplied with a pre‑made certificate for secure communication via HTTPS protocol. The certificate is not backed by a certificate authority, so the web browser will display a warning that the connection is not private. In this case, you need to accept this condition and continue on to the website.


Certificates are provided in the manufacturer process since firmware version r7.15. In case of firmware update from earlier version, you need to upload SSL certificate by your own.

Click here to get more info.

The default password for the web interface is mobatime. The password can be changed via the web interface, MOBA‑NMS and SNMP.

You can also use mDNS on your local network. You can use the hostname of the digital clock and use it with the .local extension instead of the IP address. The hostname is composed of the word MOBATIME and the last 3 octets of the MAC address.


MAC address:




Enter to address bar:

http://mobatime123456.local or https://mobatime123456.local

The web interface mode can be set in the web interface – Supervision tab. Combinations can be set:

  • HTTP and HTTPS

  • HTTP only

  • HTTPS only

  • HTTP redirect to HTTPS

User certificates can be uploaded to the clock using the tftp protocol. The certificate files need to be named:

  • key.pem:

    private key

  • cert.pem:


  • ca.pem:

    certificate of certification authority

To upload files, use the HTTPS server certificate upload option to select each file type in turn. Press the Apply button to start the upload.

To apply user certificates, under HTTPS server certificate manage, select Apply user certificates, and then click Apply.

To delete user certificates, set this entry to Apply factory certificates (delete user certificates) and confirm with Apply. After the clock restarts, the new certificate will be used.