WiFi Operation Modes#


Available only for WiFi or WiFi5 variant.

WiFi Operation Modes can be set in NEt menu item 12 (WiFi Mode).

Station Mode (User Defined)#

  • Connecting to a user-defined WiFi network.

  • The WiFi network is defined via MOBA-NMS software tool or Web Interface.

Station Mode (MOBA-WIFI)#

  • Connecting to WiFi with SSID MOBA-WIFI.

  • Uses WPA2-PSK encryption with default password hgfedcba.

  • Other network parameters are set according to current settings.

AP Mode#

  • Creates a WiFi AP (Access Point) on 2.4 GHz with SSID MOBAxxxxxxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxxxxxx is MAC address of specific clock.

  • Defaut encryption WPA2-PSK with default password password.

  • Active internal DHCP server, network with an allocated range of .100 to .254.

  • Clock are accessible at static address


    AP mode will disable DHCP on the clock and the clock will operate on static IP address. When switching back to Station mode, manually re-enable DHCP if required or reconfigure static IP address.

  • Configuration via web interace only (due to password entry).