Share Mode#

Added in version r8.0.


Available only for digital clock synchronized by Ethernet variant.

The sharing mode allows sharing of certain parameters, values and functions between multiple devices. It is assumed that for each shared parameter, there is one Master device and several Slave devices. The Master device sends the shared values, and Slave devices receive and apply them.

Currently, the following parameters can be shared:

  • Display Mode

  • Stopwatch

  • Relay

  • Brightness

  • Screen

  • Sensor


For an individual parameter, there must not be more than one control device on the common shared channel (UDP port). Otherwise, the subordinate clocks will display incorrect information or it may lead to erroneous behavior.


UDP Port Setting

UDP Port Setting

Sharing Display Mode (Default Display, Stopwatch)

Sharing Display Mode (Default Display, Stopwatch)

Sharing Stopwatch

Sharing Stopwatch

Sharing Relay

Sharing Relay

Sharing Display Brightness

Sharing Display Brightness

Sharing Screen

Sharing Screen

Sharing Sensor 1

Sharing Sensor 1

Sharing Sensor 2

Sharing Sensor 2

Local Stopwatch Setting

Local Stopwatch Setting

Examples of Share Mode Settings

Examples of Share Mode Settings

Share Mode Settings Summary#