Counting unit#

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The stopwatch counting unit determines how time is divided and displayed as the stopwatch runs. The counting unit vary depending on the stopwatch’s design and purpose.

You can choose from various counting units:

1 (default value)

counting in increments of 1/100 seconds
(with 4-digit display the counting goes on until 59.99 seconds and then continues with displaying minutes : seconds),
up to 59 minutes and 59.99 seconds at maximum


counting in increments of 1 second
(with 4-digit display the counting goes on until 59 minutes and 59 seconds and then with displaying of hours : minutes),
until 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds at maximum


counting in 1 minute steps, until 23 hours and 59 minutes


counting in periods after one day
subtraction or addition always takes place around midnight, capacity of counting up to 9999 days,
when counting is stopped, the dots is displayed after the last digit