How to Access the Web Interface?#

To access the web interface of the clock, you first need to know its IP address. Please follow these steps to view the IP address of the clock:

Step 1 – Enter NEt menu#

  • Press PB2L on digital clock or MENU on remote controller to enter main menu of the clock.

  • Press PB2 on digital clock or >> on remote controller to nagivate to NEt menu.

../../../_images/enter-menu.svg ../../../_images/enter-menu-dark.svg ../../../_images/enter-menu-mobile.svg ../../../_images/enter-menu-mobile-dark.svg

Step 2 – Navigate to n4:IP item#

  • Press PB2 on digital clock or >> on remote controller to navigate through NEt menu items until you reach the n4:IP item.

  • Press PB2L on digital clock or OK on remote controller to enter the n4:IP item.

../../../_images/net-menu.svg ../../../_images/net-menu-dark.svg ../../../_images/net-menu-mobile.svg ../../../_images/net-menu-mobile-dark.svg

Step 3 – View the IP Address of the Clock#

  • To navigate between octets, use PB2 push-button on digital clock or >> button on remote controller.

../../../_images/ip-menu.svg ../../../_images/ip-menu-dark.svg ../../../_images/ip-menu-mobile.svg ../../../_images/ip-menu-mobile-dark.svg

Step 4 – Accessing the Web Inteface#

  • Open up your web browser and type the IP address into search bar.

    ../../../_images/ip-address-search-bar.svg ../../../_images/ip-address-search-bar.svg
  • Login page will appear. Default password is mobatime.